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こちらは、大阪公立大学 大学院工学研究科 電子物理系専攻 表面機能工学研究グループ(スマートエネルギー研究Gr)のホームページです。



What's new?

July 15th 2024.

Our research introduction article related to the molecular spintronics was published in "Yano E plus", July, 2024, edited by Yano Research Institute Ltd.

(分子スピントロニクスに関する我々の研究紹介記事が、株式会社 矢野経済研究所が発行する"Yano E plus" 2024年7月号に掲載されました)

Apr. 5th, 2024.

Member page was updated.

3 masters and 5 bachelors were graduated and 6 new members came to our group, in this spring.

Mar. 18th, 2024.

Prof. E. Shikoh gave a lecture related to magnetic materials at an online seminar.

Seminar organizer: R&D Support Center Co.,Ltd. 

Lecture title: 磁性材料に係る基礎知識と最新研究 ~磁石からスピンまで~ 

Language: Janpanese

Jan. 8th, 2024.

Our research paper related to the molecular spintronics was published in Solid State Communications.

Article title: "Spin current relaxation time in thermally evaporated naphthyl diamine derivative films."

Authors: Eiji Shikoh, Yuichiro Onishi, Yoshio Teki (online article)  


Recently published articles

“Spin current relaxation time in thermally evaporated naphthyl diamine derivative films.”,

Solid State Communications, 379, pp.115430-1 - 115430-4, (2024). online article.

Copyright (c) Eiji SHIKOH Laboratry All Rights Reserved

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